Principal Research Fellow, Principal investigator
Matija Zlatar
the Principal Research Fellow at ICTM will coordinate and supervise all the Project activities. He will foster synergy between team members, ensure communication with Science Fund, SROs, and international collaborators, and actively promote the Project.
His expertise is in computational chemistry, focusing on understanding the electronic structure of TM complexes. His research is in applying DFT for chemical bonding, spin-states, vibronic coupling, spectroscopy of coordination compounds, rational design of new magnetic materials, and influence of excited states on structures and properties of complexes. He is also looking into the dissociative processes of organometallic compounds and the correlation between electronic structure and properties. One of the key aspects of his scientific work is solving real chemical problems with the help of computational chemistry and establishing synergy between experiment and theory.
He obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof. Claude Daul, in 2010. After the completion of his doctorate in Switzerland, dr. Matija Zlatar continued his career in Serbia as an independent researcher at ICTM. He gained further experience in computational chemistry of TM compounds by visiting Prof. Marcel Swart (Institut de Química Computational i Catàlisi, Universitat de Girona, Spain, within HPC Europa2 Transnational Access fellowship in 2012) and in modern LF theory at the University of Fribourg (SNSF postdoctoral researcher, 2013).
He participated in projects financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (2006-2019, OI 142017, OI 172035). In the period 2007 to 2013, he was a participant in projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. He has experience in collaborative projects (PI on a bilateral project with Spain and participant in bilateral projects with France and Germany) and active participation in international networks (4 COST Actions: CM1002, CM1301, CM1305, CA20129). He was an MC substitute at COST action CM1305 (ECOSTBio, 2014-2018). As a secondary proposer, he is a representative of Serbia and an MC member in the COST action CA20129 Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies (MultIChem), which started in October 2021.
With prof. Maja Gruden and prof. Katarina Anđelković works with Ph.D. students at UBFC. He actively participates in the work of ICTM – he is a member of the Scientific Council (since September 2018), supervisor of the institutional repository, coordinator of the ICTM website, and member of the working group for the development of integrity plan. Since May 2022, he has been a focal point and a member of the transformation team within the SAIGE (Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship) ICTM transformation project.